Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Visiting Professor
A portion of all revenue is donated to
Stronger Together Across Ringwood and Fordingbridge (STARF)
a charity supporting local families suffering mental health or financial hardship

Iris Disorders and Reconstruction
Iris disorders may be congenital or caused by trauma, eye surgery or other eye conditions​. They may cause significant problems including glare, light sensitivity and reduced vision, as well as cosmetic concerns.
Disorders include:
Missing iris (partial iris defects, colobomas or complete absence of iris, known as aniridia)
Iris disinsertion ("iridodialysis")
​Abnormally large pupil​ (fixed, dilated pupil; "mydriasis")
Displaced pupil ("corectopia")
Multiple pupils ("polycoria")
Due to the relative rarity and complexity of iris disorders, they are frequently overlooked, misunderstood or neglected. Patients may be told that nothing can be done, when in fact solutions often exist.

I have spent time working with two world-renowned pioneers in iris reconstruction, Ike Ahmed (Toronto, Canada) and Mike Snyder (Cincinnati, USA), to learn and refine the advanced surgical techniques required for managing these problems. These reconstruction techniques include iris suturing, iris reshaping and prosthetic iris implantation (Morcher segments and HumanOptics CustomFlex Artificial Iris, recently approved by the FDA).
This patient suffered complications during cataract surgery and was left with significant iris loss, scarring and no lens implant. Reformation of the ciliary sulcus enabled me to implant a lens and then reconstruct the iris to restore a normal looking eye with good function.

This patient sustained a severe eye injury, resulting in a torn iris, iris incarceration in a scleral laceration, traumatic cataract, zonule loss and vitreous prolapse. Combined cataract surgery, anterior vitrectomy and iris repair was performed, leading to a round pupil and 6/5 vision

Following complicated cataract surgery, this patient was referred to me with an iris defect causing disabling light sensitivity. The iris was repaired to restore a normal appearance, improve visual acuity and eliminate the light sensitivity.